Sunday, January 28, 2007


So London in
not so fantastic. i met some cool people though: australlians, brazilians, americans, scottish, english, etc....

Here I am in Coruña now. I got here tonight. It seems to be beautiful from what I can see at night. I'm looking forward to apartment hunting and daylight views! :)

*above is a picture of a city government building very close to where i'm staying. the building is 100 years old and is in the Plaza de Maria Pita

*above is a picture of a grass area were they update the floral arrangement to reflect the date...xaneiro= january in galego (the language of galicia)


Today...I spent most of the day recovering from last night! I went out to dinner then to meet some friends of the guy who took me to see an open apartment....then we went to have drinks....i drank too many different drinks and was definitely feeling it this morning! I spent basically all day in bed and was pretty sick to say the least....

Across the street there's a burger king (it's gross in the US and go figure, it's gross in Spain as well!)

Later I ended up going to see another open apartment with the friend of the lady who runs the pension i'm staying in. It was nice but a bit far from the campus. When I got back to the pension....the italian guy who is also staying here wanted to see the same apartment so I took him to see it. Afterwards, we went looking for a restaurant....nothing seemed appealing even after 1.5 hours of walking! Finally, we just found a place and had dinner. Then we went to see the beach b/c I haven't had a chance to go yet. It's gorgeous! I'm looking forward to seeing it in the daylight as well!



I’m currently on my flight from NY to Frankfurt (I have a lay over). Then, I’ll be on my way to London. So…I’m a moron and decided it would be a good idea to splash my glass of red wine all over the guy next to me, the guy behind me, myself and my seat.


They were nice about it….probably because neither of them speak English and they didn’t really have a choice. Go me!

***More about London****

I had a good time... I did a 3.5 hour walking tour which was very informative and pretty interesting....apparently London has burnt done entirely once in the past and almost entirely 2xs in the past. However, they found this construction which was down by the ruins a long time before all that underground when they were digging to build the foundation for a newer building...they created a cement support to place it on and moved it onto higher ground.
*Roman construction behind me

*The famous Big Ben

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So here goes my first blog entry:

I got to NYC (after my flight was delayed 2+ hours) on Saturday night. I have been having a great time so far. I'm still on the Cali clock though :-O !

01-20 Saturday night....I took a cab to my brother's place in Brooklyn. Then, he made me dinner (which was fantastic). I did some business school research and decided to take a look at Columbia, London Business School and Cambridge.

01-21 Sunday...I slept in until 2pm! I got ready and met my brother in Manhattan near his work. We went to get a bite to eat.....SHOCKING part: I actually ate a real in made of BEEF. It was a big step for me (I haven't had a burger since 7th grade when I stopped eating red meat). It was damn good too! We then went to Starbucks (there is a Starbucks on basically every corner in the city). Afterwards, we went shopping....I bought a shirt at Zara after I dropped my coffee all over the dressing room floor :-O.... We ended up seeing a play on Broadway called Translations (I don't recommend it) and after we had dinner @ Blue Fin where Mike works. It was yummy! Of course I stayed up too late yet again that night.

01-22 Monday... I slept in again until around 3pm (do you see a trend yet?) As soon as I could get ready and out the door I headed to Columbia for an MBA information session @ their Business School. The campus is gorgeous! I am definitely going to consider it.

It was actually snowing/ drizzling outside! :) I took the subway to Sandra's apartment (which is really cute) We went out to dinner @ an awesome Indian food place called the Spice Market. Then, we went to have dessert @ the restaurant she works at. That was equally amazing :). Sandra introduced me to her friend who is an actress/ server/ clown/ magician. She was fun to hang out with.

So....then, I took a cab back to my brother's. The elevator opens up directly into his flat....I couldn't remember which unit # was his....So I put in the code and guessed what I thought would be the right unit...I was on the phone but decided it would be a good idea to be quiet in case it opened up into some random person's apartment :P. So, when the elevator door opened I was all worried :-O! Luckily, I am a genius so I guessed correctly :). It was funny @ the time....

That's all for now :)

NYC skyline: